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  • 상품명K Factory Diff Oil 40ml #10000-일시품절
  • 브랜드케이펙토리
  • 상품코드K6330-10000
  • 판매가격8,200원
  • 포인트 0점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니


K Factory Diff Oil 40ml

Our K Factory engineers know it’s not always what you put on your car that makes the difference but what you put in it. That’s why we at K Factory have developed a complete line of precision differential oils to suit every driving style and track condition.

Choosing the right differential oil is essential to winning in the highly competitive RC on-road and off-road arenas. Why does K Factory pay such attention to the details of RC products and RC racing? Because we know you do!

K Factory differential oils are produced from the finest grade lubricants. The easy opening tubes offer precise and spill-free application and are clearly labeled for easy identification.

Each 40 ml tube is color coded and is available in the following most popular weights:






Our full range of differential oils give you the choice you need to “dial-in” your buggy, truggy, monster truck or on-road car for every conceivable track layout and condition. That translates into giving you full control over how your vehicle handles on high-bite pavement, loose dirt on a bumpy track, finely packed clay or whatever driving condition you encounter.

Need more on-power or off-power steering? Want harder acceleration to clear jumps out of a slow corner?

Looking for straight tracking down the straight-away? Get K Factory differential oils and get it right!

Today’s RC vehicles are becoming more sophisticated and adjustable with every new model. Races are often won by the smallest of margins and by the driver with the best competitive edge.


Get your “Edge On” with K Factory!




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신속하고 정확한 답변으로 궁금증을 해결해 드리겠습니다.
문의상품 K Factory Diff Oil 40ml #10000-일시품절


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