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  • 상품명Novarossi "Turbo" #5 Long Body Ultra Glow Plug (Hot)-일시품절
  • 브랜드노바로시
  • 상품코드C5TGC
  • 판매가격11,000원
  • 포인트 110점 (회원에게만지급)
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Novarossi "Turbo" #5 Long Body Ultra Glow Plug (Hot)

This is one Novarossi #5 long body "Ultra" Turbo glow plug. This is a hot glow plug intended for use in .21 race engines with high nitro content fuels. This plug works great in the new O.S. VZB V-Spec race engine which needs a hot Turbo plug. It is also the plug of choice for the Novarossi 421B race engine.

The "Ultra" line of plugs from Novarossi are different from regular plugs in that the hole where the filament is located is slightly larger in diameter, and the glow plug element has a special coating. The new coating is intended to make the plug be more durable, while the larger diameter hole is designed to improve the idle and throttle response of the engine.

The Novarossi line of "Turbo"glow plugs are available in the following variations:

  • #5TC/TF - Hot glow filament plug
  • #6TC/TF - Medium filament glow plug
  • #7TC/TF - Cold filament glow plug
  • #8TC/TF - Very cold filament glow plug

The difference between the TC (Long Body) and TF (Short Body) glow plugs is based on the size of the hole that glow plug filament is located in. The Long Body plugs have a slightly larger hole which results in a slightly hotter glow plug element. However there is not a lot of difference between a TC and TF glow plug and you can use them

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문의상품 Novarossi "Turbo" #5 Long Body Ultra Glow Plug (Hot)-일시품절


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