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  • 상품명MR-MRTMP MRT mPTX Pro Transponder (폰더)-일시품절
  • 브랜드머치모어
  • 상품코드MR-MRTMP
  • 판매가격108,000원
  • 포인트 1,080점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니


MR-MRTMP MRT mPTX Pro Transponder

MRT mPTX personal Transponder.

MRT Transponder, mPTX-ID
These transponders from MRT are lightweight and small in size. This makes them easy to fit into the smallest, tightest areas.

Size: 19 x 16 x 6mm
Weight4 grams

The PTX ID number of each transponder can be changed to an alternative ID number. Each individually numbered transponder has its 'custom' ID number written on the supplied instruction sheet with the an alternative number also available.
PTX transponders are supplied with 2 stored ID numbers and come factory set on the custom ID. It is possible to switch from the custom number to the other number if required. To use the PTX it should be connected to a power socket on a receiver or to a battery pack. The LED will light up to show the transponder is operating. When setting the number (or checking the number that is set) the LED will flash to show the number selected, or the number that has been set.
Operating Voltage: 2.1V - 16V DC
Lead Length: about 190mm
Mounting: Standard 3 Hole (same as AMB/MyLaps)
Compatibility: AMBrc2, AMBrc3 and RC4 systems.
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문의상품 MR-MRTMP MRT mPTX Pro Transponder (폰더)-일시품절


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