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  • 브랜드오리온
  • 상품코드41403
  • 판매가격6,050원
  • 포인트 60점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니




These are the Team Orion (ORI) Schottky Diodes for high frequency (forward only, no reverse) electronic speed controls. FEATURES: Offers more consistent braking, more efficient motor operation and allow cooler operation of electronic speed cotrol. Diodes have a silver band painted on one end to indicate the polarity. INCLUDES: Two schottky diodes (black and silver) One decal sheet REQUIRES: Soldering to motor and use with (3) 0.1 uF non-polarized capacitors (BRPC7110) COMMENTS: The lead closet to the silver band is the positive lead. If the diode is install backwards, it will crack. To install, it should be soldered between the + and - poles on the motor, in addition to the three .1mF capacitors. Do not use with reversing speed controls Rated at 45 volts/ 9 amps/ 0.4 forward voltage drop

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