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  • 상품명e-Station TWO-METER (Voltage/Watt meter)
  • 브랜드반탐
  • 상품코드e-Station_2meter
  • 판매가격58,500원
  • 포인트 585점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

    메모하기 도움말

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  • 매장재고 주문접수 후 수입사에 재고,수량 확인 후 배송되는
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  • 주문수량   금액

목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니



Bantam-Tek Digital Two Meter

방송장비/음향기기 등으로 오랜 노하우와 기술을 가지고 있는 BANTAM 사의 최신 다목적 Tester - Two Meter!

Two-Meter는 외장형 Battery Cell Balancer의 기능과 Watt Meter, Battery Checker기능이 통합된 다목적 테스터기 입니다.

TWO-METER is a very sophisticated electronic device that controlled by high performance microprocessor and precise resistors. It has three functions of ‘watt-meter’, ‘battery checker’ and self-balancer. Those functions are essential for electric flyers to ensure safe battery condition and to measure the electric consumptions of the power system. And also, the built-in self-balancer can equalize the individual voltages instantly.
 TWO-METER can handle all types of Lithium batteries(LiPo, LiIo, LiFe) consisting of series-wired cells, but the battery pack has to have a balancing plug for checking voltages.

매뉴얼 다운로드 하기(클릭!)

-  Watt-meter program

  The Watt-meter circuit can measure the electric current up to 100A. You can verify the electric consumptions on your power system.


-  Battery checker

   TWO-METER can show you the voltage and residual capacity of your Lithium battery pack with its individual voltage of each cells.


-  Integrated self-balancer

   TWO-METER has an integrated self-balancing circuit which is self-operative without linking to charger. When you connect the battery pack to the individual port of the device the balancing job will be started instantly. In this case the individual cell voltages will be equalised to the lowest cell voltage of the battery pack.

구매하시려는 상품에 대해 궁금하세요?
신속하고 정확한 답변으로 궁금증을 해결해 드리겠습니다.
문의상품 e-Station TWO-METER (Voltage/Watt meter)


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