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  • 상품명Cirtix R8 1/8 Combo Set with Cirtix 1:8 2500Kv Motor
  • 브랜드스피드패션
  • 상품코드EXA93301R8M25
  • 판매가격225,000원
  • 포인트 2,250점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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    마이페이지>나의작성글>메모상품보기 에서 회원님이 메모하신 전체상품을 한 눈에 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • 매장재고 주문접수 후 수입사에 재고,수량 확인 후 배송되는
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  • 주문수량   금액

목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니



Cirtix R8 1/8 Combo Set with Cirtix 1:8 2500Kv Motor

Welcome to the most stable, compact and powerful 1:8 brushless systems
in the world!

The R8 ESC combines compact size, incredible current handling and the
smoothness of sensored operation all in one package ready for the
punishment of intense off road racing. The integrated hard anodized
alloy heat sink case is specially designed for the physical rigors of
off road racing while keeping the ESC cool and efficient. The included
pocket sized Cirtix Multi Program Card makes dialing in your settings
for any track condition easy and fast with no laptop needed! Step up to
the leader in 8th electric technology with the Cirtix R8 ESC.

The Cirtix 2500Kv motor is the pro's choice for huge track 8th buggy racing on 4s, or small indoor tracks on 3s. It's slotless design is extremely efficient for long
runtimes, cool motor and ESC operation, and incredible punch and top
speed power.  ONLY Cirtix brings you the power and efficiency of
slotless motors combined with the smooth control and zero cogging of
sensored operation. Don't settle for one or the other - get the best of
everything with the revolutionary Cirtix slotless sensored motors.

The 2500kv motor is recommended only for 8th buggy use on extremely large 8th scale tracks, or for buggies and truggies using 3s on small tracks. For all other 8th scale 4s applications, please use the 2200Kv motor/combo.

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신속하고 정확한 답변으로 궁금증을 해결해 드리겠습니다.
문의상품 Cirtix R8 1/8 Combo Set with Cirtix 1:8 2500Kv Motor


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