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  • 상품명Multistar High Capacity 4S 4000mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack (최고급형 멀티콥터용 리포)
  • 브랜드멀티스타
  • 상품코드912700009-0
  • 판매가격72,000원
  • 포인트 720점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니


Multistar High Capacity 4S 4000mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack

Want to dramatically increase your multi-rotor flight times without the penalty of added weight? We have just the solution!

The all new Multistar high capacity batteries are the result of extensive testing and development with one goal in mind...increasing flight times for your multi-rotor aircraft without the penalty of added weight.

We have achieved our goal by drastically increasing the battery capacity (mAh) while lowering the discharge rate. This results in a battery which is still capable of providing sufficient current (Amps) while offering much higher capacity when compared to a standard 20C+ LiPoly battery of the same weight.

What this all means is that Multistar batteries are able to provide flight times much longer than standard LiPoly battery packs without adding any weight to your multi-rotor model, making them absolutely ideal for use with aerial video and FPV multi-rotor aircraft.

We have a full range of Multistar High Capacity Multi-Rotor battery packs in the works and will be adding new sizes/configurations as they become available. Be sure to checkout the product video for more in-depth info about these all new high capacity multi-rotor battery packs.

?Ultra high capacity LiPoly batteries designed specifically for multi-rotor use
?Similar size/weight as batteries of much lower capacity, making these a direct drop-in upgrade for most multi-rotor aircraft
?Provides increased flight times of up to 20% or more when compared to standard LiPoly batteries of the same weight
?Ideal for use with aerial video and FPV multi-rotor aircract

Minimum Capacity: 4000mAh
Configuration: 4S1P / 14.8V / 4Cell
Constant Discharge: 10C
Peak Discharge (10sec): 20C
Pack Weight: 320g
Pack Size: 112 x 34 x 40mm
Charge Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: XT60

PRODUCT ID: 912700009-0

Capacity(mAh) 4000
Config (s) 4
Discharge (c) 10
Weight (g) 320
Max Charge Rate (C) 2
Length-A(mm) 112
Height-B(mm) 34
Width-C(mm) 40
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문의상품 Multistar High Capacity 4S 4000mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack (최고급형 멀티콥터용 리포)


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