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  • 상품명9171000068 Turnigy Lipo Bunker - Lipoly Safety Charge Box
  • 브랜드터니지
  • 상품코드9171000068
  • 판매가격53,900원
  • 포인트 539점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니


There are only two times a battery can fail, during charge or discharge, and while you can not control what happens in your model you can control what happens during charging with the Turnigy Lipo Bunker.

Constructed from S304 certified stainless steel to withstand temperatures in excess of 800 degrees Celsius, the Turnigy lipo Bunker is a bullet proof safety enclosure designed to contain flames and help minimize damage to surrounding objects in the event of a lipoly failure. The duct will ensure heat, flames and gases being expelled from a lipoly battery will be vented in a direct and controlled manner.

Case Material: S304 Certified Stainless Steel
Dimensions: 180mm x 90mm x 90mm

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문의상품 9171000068 Turnigy Lipo Bunker - Lipoly Safety Charge Box


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