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  • 상품명AP-600100 A-PLUS Magic Gum
  • 브랜드A-PLUS
  • 상품코드AP-600100
  • 판매가격18,000원
  • 포인트 0점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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    마이페이지>나의작성글>메모상품보기 에서 회원님이 메모하신 전체상품을 한 눈에 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • 매장재고 주문접수 후 수입사에 재고,수량 확인 후 배송되는
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  • 주문수량   금액

목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니


A-PLUS Magic Gum #AP-600100


A-Plus Magic Gum is a great way to remove oily dirt and grime from hard to get to areas, without the need of applying potentially harmful chemicals or damage from other cleaning tools.


Before first time use, Magic Gum should be kneaded in your hands until it becomes more malleable. For proper use, form the Magic Gum into a ball and press it into the area to clean. Knead the removed dirt and grime into the Cleaning Putty and repeat cleaning procedure if required.

* Note: if traces of the Magic Gum remain on the area cleaned, lightly press the area with the ball of Magic Gum to remove the excess.


A-Plus Magic Gum is not a toy. Keep out of reach of small children. Adult supervision is recommended. Harmful if swallowed.


  • For: Miscellaneous
  • Material: Rubber


  • A-PLUS Magic Gum (1 pc)

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문의상품 AP-600100 A-PLUS Magic Gum


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