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  • 상품명(4PC 한대분)JC3381W Team Associated B64 Front Wheel
  • 브랜드제이컨셉
  • 상품코드3381W
  • 판매가격10,700원
  • 포인트 107점 (회원에게만지급)
  • 메모

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목록보기 찜하기 즉시구매 장바구니


With the recent release of the Team Associated’s B64 vehicle, JConcepts stepped up and created a purpose designed wheel for this popular kit. JConcepts Mono 2.2” wheels are designed in the popular dish style and available in bright white and fluorescent yellow. The B64 has not been left out of the Mono wheel development and while the rear easily utilizes the same configuration as the B6 vehicles, the front wheel, part (#3381), is a matching stylized wheel that is a direct bolt-on for the kit.

The new B64 front Mono wheels are the maximum size allowed under ROAR rules and make a statement with their large appearance, slight convex dish shaped design and superior inner rib design. The wheels incorporate an outer glue catch that resists excess glue from running down the wheel face during the gluing process. JConcepts wheels are manufactured using advanced techniques to ensure trueness and durability and are branded with the small JC logo for brand identification and authenticity.

· Popular dish styling and detail
· 4 wheels included per package
· Available in bright white and fluorescent yellow
· Vent holes included for ease of operation
· Advanced manufacturing process and durable material
· Direct fit for the front of the Team Associated B64

Mono – B64 – front wheel (yellow) – 4pc

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신속하고 정확한 답변으로 궁금증을 해결해 드리겠습니다.
문의상품 (4PC 한대분)JC3381W Team Associated B64 Front Wheel


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