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  • 상품명JT32FA - Foam Tyres - 1/12 Front MAGENTA 32Sh-일시품절
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  • 상품코드JT32FA
  • 판매가격20,000원
  • 포인트 200점 (회원에게만지급)
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JT32FA - Foam Tyres - 1/12 Front MAGENTA 32Sh

Foam Tyres - 1/12 Front MAGENTA 32Sh

After a huge amount of testing of natural foams and with the help of our driver Paul Lemieux and Chris Kerswell we enter into the market with Contact 1/12 scale tyres. To help the driver we decided to keep same colour range of the main brands in this market. Contact 1/12 scale tyres come pre glued on our special Contact rim in white colour, which has been extensively tested for perfect strength and flexibility to provide the maximum traction. Due to our excellent in house manufacturing process we are able to keep a super competitive price yet with the highest quality.


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문의상품 JT32FA - Foam Tyres - 1/12 Front MAGENTA 32Sh-일시품절


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